There is a 100 year old man in Washington D.C. for the innauguration. Sylvester Williams from New Orleans. "The lord has been good to me. I seen a black man for President in the White House."
More snow piled on, this is the backyard of a duplex and you can see the snow piled up from the driveway. We expect at least another month of snow and cold. Oh, it was about 40 below zero windchill the morning of friday the 16 January. Truck did start tho.
DEC 31 WAS DEADLINE TO CHECK ALL ENTRIES. Anna Karlsson of Lund, Sweden won 10,000 for a ALMOST complete entry. Apx 253 out of 256 pieces placed. Below are a couple photos of hometown of Anna. NOTE: 2 Million prize still being offered for solution. Next Deadline: Dec 31, 2009. Follow links at right if you wish to purchase a puzzle.
The movie pulls back the veil and shows you a con man. But pulls back another veil and shows you...Yonkers Joe. Dazzling slight of hand, Risk, ... a Father. Link on right to trailer.