Friday, March 28, 2008


Still cold today, actually had a dusting of snow yesterday. going to walk through the Tenney Park area. A few people are out; walking their dogs, feeding the ducks, checking out the lake view.

Here we are lakeside, this is actually a beach area. Quite a few people in the area neighborhoods use Tenney. From Students -to parents with kids -to Retired people.

Flag flies on man-made penninsula. This is near the Tenney Locks, where the two lakes join up. In the background of this picture, lakefront property.

Duck enjoying the change in weather and the open water.

The lake still has some ice, in the distance is area around UW Madison Campus. This is a great place to go to school; town not too big, plenty of nature areas for walking, 40 thousand students at this campus.

Man taking the footbridge over small creek near a skating pond. There is still deep snow in the woods. Rabbits have had a bad winter with the deep snow, a lot of shrubs around our buildings have been debarked.

Canoes lined up along river, they have sat here all winter like this. As you can see below, the river is now free of ice. Yet, water is ice cold.

Yahara River, lots of ducks in the area. Walking paths.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


HAPPY EASTER! It is a beautiful sunny day. Pam and I had Breakfast at a Cafe this morning. Lisa is preaching today in Virginia, Stacey is working at the Store. What did you do today?


We had another 8 inches of snow, middle of March. This here is a natural dam, created by some fallen trees. There are a lot of ducks in the area, along with myriad small animals. Racoons, opposum, badger, skunk...All native to this area.

Winter lets you see the form of the tree, devoid of leaves. This is boggy area, a small conservancy on west side of Madison.

Two Geese keeping at least one leg warm. Lot of geese head north in migration in spring. Landing in a park, large number will devour all insects in the area. You can hear the insects fleeing the area. Geese are smart though, they winter down south.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


My Grandparent's home, built in the fourties. Grandfather used timber from an old ice house. the beams were 8x8 timbers. We lived next door. These are 1/2 acre lots. He actually bought a large amount of land in the area and sold it off. little by little.

Here is Brother Dale. The brothers and sisters are out here at the Cemetary, 14 years since my mother passed. This small cemetary near Oregon is where some of my relatives are buried.

Pam, Beth, and Dave.

large, low water tank in Fitchburg. Just South of Madison.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Outdoors, in area of Olbrich Gardens. There is a flower show. I will take you inside, and name a few.

Yellow Snapdragon

Asparagus Fern

An Oriental Lily

That ends our trip to the Gardens, and we are back outside.